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Our thoughts on all things electronic case management.

New Feature - Custom Reports
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Photo by Veronica Benavides on Unsplash

New Feature - Custom Reports

10/16/2020 By Todd Mueller

We recently deployed a new feature called ‘Custom Reports’ and I will describe what this new feature is and how it works. Custom reports are exactly what it sounds like. This new feature will allow each user to create a report on any exposed data field with a simple, easy to use interface. If you have a particular requirement to generate a report based on a particular client, demographic, TB result, etc., you now have the ability to create the report, save it, and run it anytime you want. Let’s dive in and see how this works.

UnaCasePro PDF within OpenMRS
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OpenMRS Integration With UnaCasePro

07/23/2020 By Todd Mueller

We recently updated UnaCasePro's API and I wanted to show how we integrated a full UnaCasePro referral PDF into a patient record within OpenMRS. The benefit of this full-circle integration is to close the loop on patient care and case managers so providers can get important information on their patients.

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Photo by Karl Pawlowicz on Unsplash

New Feature - API

06/09/2020 By Todd Mueller

I am excited to announce we finished version 1.0 of the UnaCasePro API and it is in production. We’re excited about this new feature because UnaCasePro has the ability to integrate into EMR’s (EPIC, Cerner, AllScripts, OpenMRS, and more) and other health care related systems. Having an API helps close the loop on the needs of providers & case managers working together without having to spend countless hours manually updating health records. This results in less work for everyone involved, and more importantly, better patient care.

Audit Desk Overhead
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Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash

Benefits of Paperless Auditing

05/12/2020 By Nancy Leidelmeijer

Audits of programs, including case management documentation, are a normal occurrence in the world of public health today.

Nancy in Holland
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Nancy Leidelmeijer - Co-founder - My Story

05/06/2020 By Nancy Leidelmeijer

Born in Los Angeles, California to Dutch Indonesian parents who moved our family back to The Netherlands when I was eight, I spent several years after high school kind of directionless. I started school in Los Angeles County, but, speaking no Dutch at the time, was made to repeat a grade when we moved to The Netherlands. That put me a year behind my peers. I was unfocused, unmotivated, and done with high school, I was positive I was never setting foot in a school again.