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Our thoughts on all things electronic case management.

Glacier National Park, Montana by Todd Mueller
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Todd Mueller - Co-founder - My Story

05/01/2020 By Todd Mueller

I remember the first time I was in the dark room developing my first roll of film that I just shot. The room was dark, lit brightly enough by the red, safe light. The air was thick with the smell of film chemicals wafting around.

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Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

Improving Service Delivery with Electronic Case Management 

04/14/2020 By Nancy Leidelmeijer

Nowhere is the case for electronic case management to be better made than in health and human services. Even in a thriving economy, disadvantaged populations exist and are the most in need. As the economy shrinks in times of crises and unemployment increases, the need for health and human case management services increases. So does the need to document client information and circumstances to ensure clients’ needs are met.

California Palms
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Photo by Julian Myles on Unsplash

Targeted Case Management (TCM) – A Viable Option

02/24/2020 By Nancy Leidelmeijer

In California, TCM, a Medicaid benefit program, is administered by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). The TCM program started in 1995 after the Medi-Cal Administrative Claiming Program split in two: TCM and Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA).

Stacks of binders
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Photo by Sear Greyson on Unsplash

How Social Workers Can Finally Throw Away Their Binders

02/04/2020 By Wilson

As a social worker, you strive to have a positive effect on the community around you. You serve as motivation to better the lifestyles for each of your clients. Because of the various demands put on social workers, the client relationship can become secondary due to the vast amount of service coordination, communication among providers, documentation and other aspects of this ever-changing field.

Out of time
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Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

TCM Audit Appeals - Part III

12/11/2019 By Nancy Leidelmeijer

In this final part, Part III, to our TCM audits blog, we will address the TCM program audits as conducted by the TCM program at the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). As written in our previous blogs on this topic, the Targeted Case Management (TCM) program cost reports are audited in California every year. For the program audit (or non-financial), DHCS strives to be on a 3-year. That means that your program may be audited once every 3 years.