New Feature - Calendar

12/01/2019 By Todd Mueller

We have been busy rolling out a lot of new features lately improving UnaCasePro and our latest calendar feature won’t disappoint. The calendar supports appointments, events (global), and reminders. I will break down each calendar event type and how it could be used.

Calendar View - Month


Appointments are made with clients and you can populate your calendar with these specific visit times with the appropriate reminder if necessary. Appointments are color-coded green for quickly identifying what appointments you have coming up. Editing the appointment can be done by clicking on the appointment and modifying it or even deleting it. On the client detail page, there is a tab called ‘Appointments’, and from here you can see every appointment ever set for the client.

Calndar - Appointment Create


Events are available to the administrator role and when added to the calendar, everyone in the organization will see the event on their calendar. This is helpful for such events as training, holidays, or anything else you want to communicate with your team. Events are color-coded grey for quick recognition on your calendar.

Calendar - Event Edit


Reminders are exactly what they sound like. Simple reminders that you set and have visible on your calendar. There is an option to email you before the reminder is due at wither 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours. Reminders are color-coded light blue for quickly identifying them on your calendar.

Calendar - Reminder Edit

Another feature we have for reminders is when a follow-up is required for a care plan, we automatically add a reminder based on the calculated date of when that follow-up is due. This helps keep follow-ups on your radar so they are not missed.

Email Reminders

If you selected a time to remind you via email about an upcoming calendar event, you will get a friendly reminder that looks a little something like this.

Email Reminder of Appointment

So that’s a quick look at this new feature we rolled out recently based on user feedback we have received. We have more features we plan on releasing soon so stayed tuned!